Monday, 29 April 2024

antitrustitalia Competition Lunch Talk with Thomas Kramler and Michael König on “Digital Markets Act in action – The Commission’s first enforcement steps towards gatekeepers”

Dear Friends,

antitrustitalia hosted a Competition Lunch Talk “Digital Markets Act in action – The Commission’s first enforcement steps towards gatekeepers” with Thomas Kramler and Michael Koenig on Monday 29 April 2024 from 12:15 to 14:00 at the auditorium of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Competition (DG COMP).

As you may know, on 25 March 2024, the Commission opened non-compliance investigations into the measures put in place by Alphabet, Apple and Meta to implement some of the obligations laid down in the DMA. It also launched investigatory steps towards some gatekeepers and ordered them to retain documents in order to monitor their compliance with the DMA obligations. Thomas and Michael took stock of the first phase of enforcement of the DMA by explaining the background of the Commission’s investigations for possible non-compliance with the DMA obligations. They also discussed the enforcement of the DMA in general and what distinguishes it from the enforcement of the antitrust rules.
We would like to renew our thanks to our speakers, antitrustitalia members and all attendees.

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