Thursday, 15 June 2023
Antitrustitalia Competition Lunch Talk with Massimiliano Kadar on “Future perspectives on the enforcement of Article 102 TFEU“, June 15, 2023 at 12:30 PM. We hope you are able to join us!

Dear Friends,
Antitrustitalia is pleased to invite you to its next Competition Lunch Talk, which will take place on Thursday 15 June 2023 from 12:30 to 14:00 at the auditorium of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Competition (DG COMP) in Brussels, Place Madou 1, 1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode (Metro Madou).
Massimiliano Kadar from DG COMP will give a presentation on “Future perspectives on the enforcement of Article 102 TFEU – The Commission’s new policy package on exclusionary abuses of dominance and beyond”.
In March 2023, the Commission took the first steps towards the adoption of its first-ever guidelines on the application of Article 102 TFEU to exclusionary abuses of dominance. In parallel, it also amended its 2008 Guidance on enforcement priorities concerning exclusionary abuses. Meanwhile, the Digital Markets Act, which aims to complement the enforcement of competition law in the digital sector, started to apply in May 2023. Massimiliano will present the Commission’s Article 102 policy initiative, including latest developments, and discuss the future enforcement of Article 102 TFEU also in light of the application of the Digital Markets Act.
Massimiliano Kadar is Deputy Head of Unit A.1 (Antitrust case support and policy) in DG COMP and a visiting professor at Freie Universitaet Berlin. Previously, he was Deputy Head of Unit C.1 (Antitrust in telecoms) and case handler on antitrust and merger cases in various sectors at DG COMP. Before that, he was a lawyer at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP and Gianni Origoni Grippo Cappelli & Partners. Massimiliano has published several articles on competition policy and is a graduate of Bocconi University and King’s College London.
Lunch will be provided at 12:30, the presentation will begin at 13:00 and will close at 14:00.
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