antitrustitalia is an association of professionals working in antitrust based in Brussels. Its members include officials of the European Commission, in-house lawyers, private practitioners, consultants, economists and academics.
Who we are
Chi siamo
antitrustitalia’s promoters are Francesco Carloni, Giorgio Castaldo, Luca Crocco, Gianni De Stefano, Massimo Tognoni, Teresa Vecchi, Giorgio Motta, Giuditta Caldini, Gian Diego Pini, Cristina Sjodin and Vittoriana Todisco.

Upcoming events
antitrustitalia started its activities in May 2011. Since then we have been organizing events on a regular basis, including “Pranzi Antitrust” (antitrust lunches), seminars, networking cocktails and annual parties.
Subscribe to our updates
Become a supporter
A contribution of €120 entitles you to participate in all of the seminars and lunch talks we organise for the 12 months following your subscription.
Your support allows us to continue to plan future activities.
To become a Supporter, please transfer €120 to the antitrustitalia asbl account. Indicate in the reason/message area: your first, last name, email address and the words “Supporter card antitrustitalia”.